Toddler and Preschool Activity- Playing with Foam Blocks

One of my favorite things to play with, with the kids is their set of Imaginarium Alphabet foam blocks. My husband and I purchased them from Toys R Us over a year ago. We had a date night and the kids had been going through one of those phases where they liked to throw things, so when we

We brought them home and sure enough they did throw them, but this time no crying. YEAH!!! We took the time to teach them not to throw them, but they are boys and they love being destructive, so they still like to knock them all over the place while we build things with them.

We have also used these blocks as the oldest who is almost 4 is learning how to spell simple words like car, dad, mom, and his name. The colors and pictures are simple and great. So I found them to be a wonderful learning tool as well as fun toy. For only $10 what more could you ask for.